jeg er sulten:(

yes but I am too lazy to go to the supermarket to buy some food soooo…. I guess I will starve some more.

I am excited about azzls (7 hours to go), sad because I don’t want to think about all the cool people that are leaving at the end of the semester.. kind of disappointed and at the same time satisfied with myself because my workspace doesn’t look like a mess anymore.Today is a big long day of randomness (paperwork and answering emails) and the academy is really kind of empty and there’s not much to tell, really..

Other than seeing a procession of people with fake halos on their heads, singing, on the 8th floor this morning… and smelling cake

One thought on “jeg er sulten:(

  1. dude, i’m prolly so tired i’m hallucinating (i guess an hour of sleep every few days isn’t quite enough…man my body is a spent whore) but I swear the 405 freeway near lax smelled exactly like a chocolate chip cake. your randomness reminds me of mine :P

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